臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

93 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 1 Apr. 2020 References 王振寰與溫肇東, 2011 , 家族企業還重要嗎? ,台北,台灣:巨流圖書。 (Wang, Jenn-Hwan, and Wen, Chao-Tung. 2011. Does Family Business Still Matter ? . Taipei, Taiwan: Chu Liu Publisher.) 李佳蓉、李振宇與吳學良, 2017 ,家族企業之興業行為:探究忠僕型經理人、開創 性導向以及新產品開發之關係, 臺大管理論叢 , 27 卷 4 期: 131-168 。 (Lee, Chia-Jung, Lee, Cheng-Yu, and Wu, Hsueh-Liang. 2017. Entrepreneurial behavior in family business: The investigation on the relationship among steward-like managers, explorative orientation and new product development. NTU Management Review , 27 (4): 131-168.) 林宛瑩與許崇源, 2008 ,台灣集團企業之控股型態及公司治理衡量指標之研究與建 議, 交大管理學報 , 28 卷 1 期: 269-312 。 (Lin, Wan-Ying, and Hsu, Chung- Yuan. 2008. A research on ownership structure and corporate governance performance indicators of Taiwanese business groups. Chiao Da Management Review , 28 (1): 269-312.) 林淑惠與胡星陽, 2003 ,上市公司高階經理人之酬勞結構, 經濟論文 , 31 卷 2 期: 171-206 。 (Lin, Shu-Hui, and Hu, Shing-Yang. 2003. CEO compensation structure in Taiwan's listed companies. Academia Economic Papers , 31 (2): 171-206.) 林嬋娟、潘昭容與王大維, 2015 ,從家族企業論析自由現金流量與投資決策之關聯 性, 臺大管理論叢 , 26 卷 1 期: 95-124 。 (Lin, Chan-Jane, Pan, Chao-Jung, and Wang, Ta-Wei. 2015. The association between free cash flows and investment decisions of family firms in Taiwan. NTU Management Review , 26 (1): 95-124.) 洪玉舜與王泰昌, 2005 ,績效衡量指標在高階主管現金薪酬契約中之相對重要性, 證券市場發展季刊 , 17 卷 2 期: 35-100 。 (Hung, Yu-Shun, and Wang, Tay- Chang. 2005. An analysis of the relative importance of performance measures in executive cash compensation contracts. Review of Securities and Futures Markets , 17 (2): 35-100.) , 2008 ,績效衡量指標在總經理股票誘因薪酬之相對重要性分析, 會計評 論 , 46 期: 1-29 。 (Hung, Yu-Shun, and Wang, Tay-Chang. 2008. An analysis of the relative importance of performance measures in top executive stock- based compensation contract. The International Journal of Accounting Studies , 46: 1-29.)