臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

Entrepreneurial Networking Actions and Innovativeness of Opportunities: The Moderator Role of Venture Stage 62 Singh, R. P. 2000. Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Through Social Networks . Princeton, NJ: Garland Publishing, Inc. Singh, R., Hills, G. E., Hybels, R. C., and Lumpkin, G. T. 1999. Opportunity recognition through social network characteristics of entrepreneurs. In Ronstadt, R., Churchill, N., Bygrave, W., Sexton, D., Slevin, D., Vesper, K., and Wetzel, W. (Eds.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research : 228-241. Wellesley, MA: Babson College. Slotte-Kock, S., and Coviello, N. 2010. Entrepreneurship research on network processes: A review and ways forward. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 34 (1): 31-57. Smeltzer, L. R., Van Hook, B. L., and Hutt, R. W. 1991. Analysis of the use of advisors as information sources in venture startups. Journal of Small Business Management , 29 (3): 10-20. Stam,W., Arzlanian, S., and Elfring, T. 2014. Social capital of entrepreneurs and small firm performance: A meta-analysis of contextual and methodological moderators. Journal of Business Venturing , 29 (1):152-173. Stuart, T. E., and Sorenson, O. 2007. Strategic networks and entrepreneurial ventures. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal , 1 (3-4): 211-227. Sullivan, D., and Marvel, M. 2011. How entrepreneurs’ knowledge and network ties relate to the number of employees in new SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management , 49 (2): 185-206. Sullivan, D. M., and Ford, C. M. 2014. How entrepreneurs use networks to address changing resource requirements during early venture development. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice , 38 (3): 551-574. Timmons, J. A. 1999. New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century . Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin. Ucbasaran, D., Westhead, P., and Wright, M. 2008. Opportunity identification and pursuit: Does an entrepreneur’s human capital matter?. Small Business Economics , 30 (2): 153-173. . 2009. The extent and nature of opportunity identification by experienced entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Venturing , 24 (2): 99-115. Uzzi, B. 1996. The sources and consequences of embeddedness for the economic performance of organizations: The network effect. American Sociological Review , 61 (4): 674-698.