臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

27 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 1 Apr. 2020 industry as the object of study. Though some current studies which aim at different industries produce similar results, such as new product development industry (Andriopoulos and Lewis, 2009), discussions for other industries are also needed to strengthen the degree of generalization of the ambidexterity theory. 5. Research Contribution In literature pertaining to management, organizational capability has become an important tool for manufacturers to gain competitive advantages. Through the means of developing organizational capability, the manufacturers are able to effectively reduce production and marketing costs and create products and schemes with customer value to improve the organizational performance. This process allows the construction of organizational ability through the acquisition of resources and knowledge and the internal learning process. Nevertheless, not all the required knowledge can be produced by the manufacturers due to a lack of resources and scales. Therefore, cooperation with partners are needed in the acquisition and integration of complementary knowledge, and the maintenance and consolidation of their own capabilities. In the past, scholars believe that the degree of knowledge acquisition and application depends on the degree of social capital of external relations and the causality of the two is verified in different disciplines. Though certain agreements are achieved after some arguments, there are issues to be further discussed regarding the theory and practice of social capital. According to the perspective of input-process-output in organizational learning, the resources and knowledge gained from the network can only be reflected in the organizational performance after a series of processes, which interpret and organize memories for the information. McEvily and Marcus (2005) reckon many network studies in the past neglect process, and there are causal fuzziness between the knowledge and information when obtained from outside the manufacturers and the organizational performance. Therefore, the mechanism of knowledge integration and internalization should exist between the relation network and performance. This study aims to explain the causal fuzziness between the social capital and organizational performance with reference to the ideas of "organizational capability" and "organizational ambidexterity", and presents the empirical results and contributions to theory and practice.