臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

The Application of Social Capital and Organizational Ambidexterity to the Value Creation Process of Dynamic Capability: Antecedents and Consequences 26 The study suggests that if the manufacturer is in a good structural position with adequate channels to access and acquire information or resources (Presutti, Boari, and Fratocchi, 2007), such as information regarding the result of sales personnel communication, marketing and financial data, related reports of products, etc. that is easy to circulate and acquire (Simsek, 2009). Alliance is a long-term partnership established between the cooperative manufacturers according to certain contracts and agreements that are conducive to the construction and accumulation of social capital. Informal network relations based on formal agreements are able to encourage the manufacturers to trade smoothly and reduce the cost of information in transactions and risks of uncertainties. At last, changes in the organizational structure or the formation of organizational situations are not developed in one day. Apart from adjustments of internal processes and tasks of the members, the decision support of the senior executive team is also of great importance (Simsek, 2009). Therefore, the senior executive team should further develop a strong and convincing shared vision: a collective pursuit which indicates the future development path of the organization. Members of the organization with common values will give priority to the root causes of the problems and reduce the possibilities of conflicts. When a strong shared vision becomes the main mechanism of an organization, it will help with the integration and synergy of manufacturers, and balance the resource allocation for explorations and applications (Jansen, George, Van den Bosch, and Volberda, 2008). Aside from research implications, this study has limitations. First, cross-sectional data is used in the verification of the social capital among and within the manufacturers, and the findings might conclude dynamic relation evolution. According to this, longitudinal study is suggested in future studies to investigate the co-evolution of the accumulation of social capital and the organizational capability at different stages of relational development. Second, the study takes the exploitative and explorative capability as two possible sources of contradiction and conflict in terms of the use of variables. Although this is in accordance with the tendency of variables used in most ambidexterity studies, there are still many sources of opposites in the organization, such as calibration and adaptation (Gibson and Birkinshaw, 2004), internal and external technologies (Rothaermel and Alexandre, 2009), and integration and differentiation (Andriopoulos and Lewis, 2009), etc. Third, the study is subject to time and objects of study, and the study conclusion is not suited to be considered as general findings due to high concentration in the electronic and electric motor related industries with electric motor manufacturing