臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

25 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 1 Apr. 2020 organizational performance. In the early stages of development, explorative manufacturers might harvest the benefits of a competitive edge with their new capabilities, but they lack the proper maintenance of current customers, which hinders their long term profits. Once market consumption habits change due to environmental changes, or explorative manufacturers lose their original advantage due to new stronger competitors, the expenditure and investment of explorative activities will become burdens that limit growth. The study refers to the studies of He and Wong (2004) and Cao, Gedajlovic, and Zhang (2009) in terms of ambidexterity, which are divided into combined ambidexterity and balanced ambidexterity. Acording to the empirical results, the results of statistical analysis coincide with the inference of this study, and the ambidexterity effects of both have a significant impact on the organizational performance. 4. Research Limitations/Implications This study yields practical implications. Organizations with higher social capital within manufacturers are able to transform externally acquired knowledge into common understandings within the organizations and combine it with inherent professional knowledge to strengthen the exploitative and explorative capability. The process of acquiring to applying knowledge is the establishment of organizational capability, which depends on the establishment of the internal learning culture in the organizations. The study intends to give four suggestions in the following aspects. (1) Senior executives of the manufacturers should encourage members of the organizations to come in contact with multiple sources of information, motivate the members to absorb new knowledge via group discussions and meetings, enlighten members with successful cases of enterprise owners, observations, investigations and internships, etc. (2) Members should be encouraged to accept new ideas, question outdated and malfunctioned systems and concepts to help them continuously learn new knowledge about the current situation of the environment or the processes of operation, or selective learning cannot be carried out. (3) Manufacturers should establish an effective condition of knowledge or new knowledge of operation processes. (4) Manufacturers should establish effective knowledge sharing platforms or electronic databases, etc., and use information technologies to standardize the operation processes, which are conducive to simplifying the complex knowledge, sharing, and exchanging personal expertise on the platforms.