臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

The Application of Social Capital and Organizational Ambidexterity to the Value Creation Process of Dynamic Capability: Antecedents and Consequences 24 2. Research Design Due to the constraints of time and space, this study chooses to use the purposive sampling method. Questionnaires are mailed to the top 1,000 manufacturers listed in CommonWealth magazine (2009), and complemented by a random sample of 500 machine manufacturers from the Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry Directory. In addition, this study randomly selects business leaders or supervisors familiar with business operations from 100 firms from Taichung Industrial Park and Changhua County, to participate in polls and surveys. A total of 1,000 questionnaires were sent out and 237 are complete with a response rate of 23.7%. Eliminating 3 invalid questionnaires, 234 valid questionnaires are left, representing an effective response rate of 23.4%. 3. Findings The results of this study show that there is no significant impact of social capital among manufacturers on exploitative capability, which might be caused by the lack of direct proportion between the cost of relational maintenance and the efficacy of exploitative capability development. This means that the solutions to the problems in the maintenance of mutual investment and cooperation faced by manufacturers and their cooperative partners are also reciprocal exchange behaviors based on common interests. Once the relation changes, there will be the risk of uncollectible in the exclusive investment brought by the reciprocal relation. Wong (1988) holds similar opinions in a relevant study; in the relational mindset of Chinese people, the adaptation that maintains a relationship is a very special investment, which is hard to transfer to another object. If the relationship is broken, high "relation cost" must be paid by both of the parties. Empirical results show that the social capital among manufacturers is able to effectively enhance the explorative and exploitative capability of the manufacturers. In other words, the manufacturers create an environment for information exchange and interaction within the organization to cultivate the capability of its members in the interpretation of external information and knowledge to fill the internal cognitive gap. This learning process and the accumulation of new knowledge contribute to the renewal of original knowledge, change of knowledge structure, and development of the organization due to its continuous improvement of new and current capabilities. The empirical results also show that there is a distinct inverted U curve relation between the explorative capability and organizational performance. The exploitative capability has a distinct inverted U curve influence on the