臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.30 NO.1

123 NTU Management Review Vol. 30 No. 1 Apr. 2020 business ethics may be established through the following: (1) formulating reference standards including specific guidelines for the implementation of business ethics to aide enterprises in the promotion of business ethics; and (2) promoting legislative regulations that encourage enterprises to implement business ethics. In addition, in order to combat corruption, it may be necessary to simultaneously start with multiple aspects and promote relevant measures such as reformation of bureaucratic institutions and major public utilities, improvement of economic freedom and the design of relevant systems, enhancement of the quality of governance and the capability of its members, and maintenance of clean politics at the national level. Apart from this, measures being used at the enterprise level, such as business ethics, should also be advocated. 5. Research Limitations In recent years, some scholars have devoted themselves to explore the causal relationship between corruption and economic growth. This study does not address this issue. In response to possible endogenous problems of corruption and economic growth, and business ethics and economic growth, it suggests that a simultaneous equation model be used to explore the relationship among economic growth, corruption, and business ethics. Through this, other aspects may be explored including whether economic growth may be explained by variables including corruption and business ethics, and whether corruption and business ethics are related to economic growth. The causal model can also be used to further explore the possible relationship between economic growth and corruption, and the potential relationship between economic growth and business ethics. 6. Contribution The impact of corruption on economic growth has received considerable attention in academia. Several previous studies have shown geographic limitations in their study samples. This study uses data from several countries around the world as the observations categorizes them into developed and emerging countries. The results of this paper can be verified with other current research interactively. This paper further analyzes the effects of business ethics on economic growth. Business ethics is a key aspect of private institutions, which have received considerable attention in recent years. At present, literature on business ethics mainly deal with the