臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.2

Effect of Inflation on the Cost of Inflation-Linked Annuities Considering Stochastic Interest Rate and Inflation Rate Models 58 Author Biography * Fen-Ying Chen Fen-Ying Chen received her Ph.D. in Finance at National Chengchi University (major in financial engineering), and Ph.D. in Risk Management and Insurance at National Chengchi University (mainly in actuarial science). Now she is an associate professor at Shih Hsin University. Her main research areas focus on issues such as risk management, derivative financial commodity evaluation and hedging, and financial innovation. Her academic papers have been published in NTU Management Review, Journal of Management and Business Research, Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Taiwan Futures and Derivatives Journal, Asia-Pacific Economic and Management Review, Taiwan Banking & Finance Quarterly, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, The Journal of Risk Model Validation, Economic Modelling Journals of Probability and Statistics, Economic Research International, Journal of Risk Finance, Applied Mathematics and Computation, and other domestic and international academic research journals. Sharon S. Yang Sharon S. Yang received her a Ph.D. in actuarial science at Heriot-Watt University in the U.K. Now she is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Finance at National Central University, and Taiwan CEO of Research Development Committee and supervisor and president of the Taiwan Pension Fund Association. She has been a Taiwan Fulbright Scholar in the USA. Her main research areas focus on insurance actuarial, pension plan, risk management (including risk capital adequacy, asset risk, and longevity risk), financial innovation (including guaranteed investment insurance, reverse mortgage products, annuity insurance, structured notes) and investments (including asset allocation, and pension investment). Her academic papers have been published in Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy (in Chinese), Journal of Financial Studies (in Chinese), Academia Economic Papers (in Chinese), Quantitative Finance, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice Journal of Risk and Insurance, ASTIN Bulletin and other domestic and international academic research journals.