臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.2

57 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 2 Aug. 2019 References 王儷玲、黃泓智、陳彥志與鄭惠恒, 2019 ,臺灣年金制度改革的財務影響與世代不 均問題, 臺大管理論叢 , 29 卷 2 期: 139-172 。 (Wang, Jennifer L., Huang, Hong-Chih, Chen, Yen-Chih, and Cheng, Hui-Heng. 2019. Financial effects and intergenerational inequity of pension reform in Taiwan. NTU Management Review 29 (2): 139-172 . ) Barr, D. G., and Campbell, J. Y. 1997. Inflation, real interest rates, and the bond market: A study of UK nominal and index-linked government bond prices. Journal of Monetary Economics , 39 (3): 361-383. Brown, R. H., and Schaefer, S. M. 1994. The term structure of real interest rates and the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross Model. Journal of Financial Economics , 35 (1): 3-42. Cox, J. C., Ingersoll Jr, J. E., and Ross, S. A. 1985. A theory of the term structure of interest rates. Econometrica , 53 (2): 385-408. Han, N. W., and Hung, M. W. 2012. Optimal asset allocation for DC pension plans under inflation. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 51 (1): 172-181. Heath, D., Jarrow, R., and Morton, A. 1992. Bond pricing and the term structure of interest rates: A new methodology for contingent claims valuation. Econometrica , 60 (1): 77-105. Jarrow, R., and Yildirim, Y. 2003. Pricing treasury inflation protected securities and related derivatives using an HJM Model. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , 38 (2): 337-358. Roll, R. 1996. U.S. treasury inflation-indexed bonds: The design of a new security. The Journal of Fixed Income , 6 (3): 9-28. Tiong, S. 2013. Pricing inflation-linked variable annuities under stochastic interest rates. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 52 (1): 77-86. Woodward, G. T. 1990. The real thing: A dynamic profile of term structure of real interest rates and inflation expectations in the United Kingdom, 1982-89. Journal of Business , 63 (3): 373-398.