臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.2

The Relationship between Board Interlocks and Corporate Tax Avoidance 228 Dyreng, S. D., Hanlon, M., and Maydew, E. L. 2008. Long-run corporate tax avoidance. The Accounting Review , 83 (1): 61-82. . 2010. The effects of executives on corporate tax avoidance. The Accounting Review , 85 (4): 1163-1189. Frank, M. M., Lynch, L. J., and Rego, S. O. 2009. Tax reporting aggressiveness and its relation to aggressive financial reporting. The Accounting Review , 84 (2): 467- 496. Geletkanycz, M. A., and Hambrick, D. C. 1997. The external ties of top executives: Implications for strategic choice and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly , 42 (4): 654-681. Graham, J. R., and Tucker, A. L. 2006. Tax shelters and corporate debt policy. Journal of Financial Economics , 81 (3): 563-594. Gulati, R., and Westphal, J. D. 1999. Cooperative or controlling? The effects of CEO- board relations and the content of interlocks on the formation of joint ventures. Administrative Science Quarterly , 44 (3): 473-506. Gupta, S., and Newberry, K. 1997. Determinants of the variability in corporate effective tax rates: Evidence from longitudinal data. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy , 16 (1): 1-34. Hanlon, M. 2005. The persistence and pricing of earnings, accruals, and cash flows when firms have large book-tax differences. The Accounting Review , 80 (1): 137-166. Hanlon, M., and Heitzman, S. 2010. A review of tax research. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 50 (2-3): 127-178. Hansen, M. T. 1999. The search-transfer problem: The role of weak ties in sharing knowledge across organization subunits. Administrative Science Quarterly , 44 (1): 82-111. Haunschild, P. R. 1993. Interorganizational imitation: The impact of interlocks on corporate acquisition activity. Administrative Science Quarterly , 38 (4): 564- 592. Jaggi, B., Leung, S., and Gul, F. 2009. Family control, board independence and earnings management: Evidence based on Hong Kong firms. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy , 28 (4): 281-300. Khurana, I. K., and Moser, W. J. 2013. Institutional shareholders’ investment horizons and tax avoidance. The Journal of the American Taxation Association , 35 (1): 111- 134.