臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.2

227 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 2 Aug. 2019 魏春燕與陳磊, 2016 ,審計人員之產業專精與客戶租稅規避:中國實證研究, 臺大 管理論叢 , 26 卷 2 期: 1-36 。 (Wei, Chun-Yan, and Chen, Lei. 2016. Auditor industry expertise and clients’ tax avoidance: Evidence from China. NTU Management Review , 26 (2): 1-36.) Armstrong, C. S., Blouin, J. L., and Larcker, D. F. 2012. The incentives for tax planning. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 53 (1-2): 391-411. Bazerman, M. H., and Schoorman, F. D. 1983. A limited rationality model of interlocking directorates. Academy of Management Review , 8 (2): 206-217. Bianchi, P. A., Falsetta, D., Minutti-Meza, M., and Weisbrod, E. 2018. Joint audit engagements and client tax avoidance: Evidence from the Italian statutory audit regime. The Journal of the American Taxation Association . Forthcoming. Brass, D. J., Butterfield, K. D., and Skaggs, B. C. 1998. Relationships and unethical behavior: A social network perspective. Academy of Management Review , 23 (1): 14-31. Brown, J. L. 2011. The spread of aggressive corporate tax reporting: A detailed examination of the corporate-owned life insurance shelter. The Accounting Review , 86 (1): 23-57. Brown, J. L., and Drake, K. D. 2014. Network ties among low-tax firms. The Accounting Review , 89 (2): 483-510. Carpenter, M. A., and Westphal, J. D. 2001. The strategic context of external network ties: Examining the impact of director appointments on board involvement in strategic decision making. Academy of Management Journal , 44 (4): 639-660. Chen, S., Chen, X., Cheng, Q., and Shevlin, T. 2010. Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms?. Journal of Financial Economics , 95 (1): 41-61. Claessens, S., Djankov, S., and Lang, L. H. P. 2000. The separation of ownership and control in East Asian corporations. Journal of Financial Economics , 58 (1-2): 81-112. Conover, T. L., and Nichols, N. B. 2000. A further examination of income shifting through transfer pricing considering firm size and/or distress.  The International Journal of Accounting , 35 (2): 189-211. Desai, M. A. 2003. The divergence between book income and tax income. Tax Policy and the Economy , 17: 169-206. Desai, M. A., and Dharmapala, D. 2006. Corporate tax avoidance and high-powered incentives. Journal of Financial Economics , 79 (1): 145-179.