臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.2

195 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 2 Aug. 2019 pension system current status and future trends study . Conference on Business and Marketing Management, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.) 孫迺翊, 2008 ,歐盟人民社會基本權之保障:以受雇者與非受雇者之遷徙自由與社 會給付請求權為例, 歐美研究 , 38 卷 4 期: 579-636 。 (Sun, Nai-Yi. 2008. The fundamental social rights of European citizens: The right of movement and social welfare of employees and non-employees. EurAmerica , 38 (4): 579-636.) 陳芬苓與張森林, 2019 ,勞保年金給付方式的新思維, 臺大管理論叢 , 29 卷 2 期: 103-138 。 (Chen, Fen-Ling, and Chung, San-Lin. 2019. The new thought of labor insurance’s pension benefits. NTU Management Review , 29 (2): 103-138.) 陳芬英、楊曉文與黃泓智, 2019 ,考量隨機利率下物價連動保證對退休金制度年金 成本評價之分析, 臺大管理論叢 , 29 卷 2 期: 29-60 。 (Chen, Fen-Ying, Yang, Sharon S., and Huang, Hong-Chih. 2019. Effect of inflation on the cost of Inflation-linked annuities considering stochastic interest rate and inflation rate models. NTU Management Review , 29 (2): 29-60.) 童嬋娟、林盈課與李瑞珠, 2019 ,退休基金自選投資制度之研究, 臺大管理論叢 , 29 卷 2 期: 1-28 。 (Tung, Chan-Chuan, Lin, Anchor, and Lee, Grace. 2019. A study of member-choice management platform for pension funds. NTU Management Review , 29 (2): 1-28.) 黃友嘉, 2018 , 談強積金收費 , http://www.mpfa.org.hk/tch/information_centre/ blog/180805.jsp , 搜尋日期: 2018 年 12 月 15 日。 (Huang, You-Jia. 2018. About MPF contribution . http://www.mpfa.org.hk/tch/information_centre/ blog/180805.jsp. Accessed Dec. 15, 2018.) 黃玉婷, 2010 , 勞退新制對自願性轉職之影響 - 可攜式退休金制度的實證研究 ,清 華大學經濟研究所未出版之碩士論文,新竹,臺灣。 (Huang, Yu-Ting. 2010. Labor pension act and labor mobility - An empirical study on pension portability. Unpublished master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.) 經建會人力規劃處, 2012 ,我國年金制度問題檢視與改革建議, 台灣經濟論衡 , 10 卷 11 期: 69-75 。 (Executive Yuan, Council for Economic Planning and Development, Department of Human Resources. 2012. The reform proposals and review on the pension system in Taiwan. Taiwan Economic Forum , 10 (11): 69-75.) 葉崇揚與施世駿, 2009 ,典範連續或典範轉移?德國與英國年金改革研究, 社會政 策與社會工作學刊 , 13 卷 1 期: 1-51 。 (Yeh, Chung-Yang, and Shi, Shih-