臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.1

93 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 1 Apr. 2019 Appendix A: Excerpts of interview topic guide 1) What were AV-Firm’s products’ applications and background? What strategic motivations led decision makers to choose a dual business model, and what was their order of importance? 2) What was OEM buyers’ background for each product? Why did these buyers choose AV-Firm? 3) What marketing and other capabilities were behind each product when a dual business model was chosen? 4) What were the special outside-in capabilities for each product, e.g., market sensing, creating and managing durable customer relationships, channel-bonding, retaining customers, etc.? 5) What were their special inside-out capabilities for each product, e.g., knowledge of competitors and customers, effective advertising and pricing programs, integrating marketing activities, segment and target market skill, etc.?