臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.1

89 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 1 Apr. 2019 References Adner, R. 2012. The Wide Lens: A New Strategy for Innovation . New York, NY: Portfolio/ Penguin. Alcacer, J., and Oxley, J. 2014. Learning by supplying. Strategic Management Journal , 35 (2): 204-223. Arru ada, B., and Vázquez, X. H. 2006. When your contract manufacturer becomes your competitor. Harvard Business Review , 84 (9): 135-144. Casadesus-Masanell, R., and Tarzijan, J. 2012. When one business model isn’t enough. Harvard Business Review , 90 (1-2): 132-137. Christensen, C. M. 1997. The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail . Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Clair, J. A., Beatty, J. E., and Maclean, T. L. 2005. Out of sight but not out of mind: Managing invisible social identities in the workplace. Academy of Management Review , 30 (1): 78-95. DaSilva, C. M., and Trkman, P. 2014. Business model: What it is and what it is not. Long Range Planning , 47 (6): 379-389. Day, G. S. 2011. Closing the marketing capabilities gap. Journal of Marketing , 75 (4): 183-195. . 2014. An outside-in approach to resource-based theories. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 42 (1): 27-28. Demil, B., and Lecocq, X. 2010. Business model evolution: In search of dynamic consistency. Long Range Planning , 43 (2-3): 227-246. Dyer, J. H., and Singh, H. 1998. The relational view: Cooperative strategy and sources of interorganizational competitive advantage. Academy of Management Review , 23 (4): 660-679. Dyer Jr, W. G., and Wilkins, A. L. 1991. Better stories, not better constructs, to generate better theory: A rejoinder to Eisenhardt. Academy of Management Review , 16 (3): 613-619. Eisenhardt, K. M. 1989. Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review , 14 (4): 532-550. . 1991. Better stories and better constructs: The case for rigor and comparative logic. Academy of Management Review , 16 (3): 620-627. Eisenhardt, K. M., and Graebner, M. E. 2007. Theory building from cases: Opportunities and challenges. Academy of Management Journal , 50 (1): 25-32.