臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.1

Post-Disaster Grain Supply Chain Management with Supplier Hoarding and Regime Intervention 48 Construct Questionnaire item Source Regime intervention (RI) RI1 Our firm agrees that the price of crop supplies offered by the regime is lower than expected Chopra et al. (2007); Burke, Carrillo, and Vakharia (2009); Tadasse et al. (2014) RI2 Our firm agrees that the amount of crop stockpiles released by the regime is sufficient and helpful for supply recovery Liker and Choi (2004); Sheffi (2005) RI3 Our firm agrees that the crop stockpiles supplied by the regime is timely Tomlin (2009); Wang, Gilland, and Tomlin (2010) Supplier hording intention (SH) SH1 Our firm is prone to postponing fulfillment of customer orders after disasters Cropanzano et al. (2005) SH2 Our firm is prone to increasing procurement amounts of crop products after disasters De Dreu (2006) SH3 Our firm is willing to bear additional inventory holding costs after disasters Kim and Tomlin (2013)