臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.1

101 NTU Management Review Vol. 29 No. 1 Apr. 2019 Authors Key Research Question Entry Motives Journal Citied Frequency (times) Luo and Tung (2007) The authors claimed that MNEs of emerging markets used international expansion as a springboard to acquire strategic resources and reduce their institutional and market constraints at home. 1. Asset-seeking (e.g., for technology, know-how, facilities, human capital, brands, consumer bases, distribution channels, managerial expertise, and natural resources). 2. Opportunity-seeking (e.g., for rapid growth, seizing opportunities to leverage their cost-effective manufacturing capabilities, and opportunities in unrelated but promising areas). Journal of International Business Studies 1,352 Dunning and Lundan (2008) The authors analyzed the role of MNE in the global economy. 1. Market-seeking. 2. Natural Resource-seeking. 3. Efficiency-seeking. 4. Strategic asset-seeking. 5. Other motives (e.g., client- following). Edward Elgar Publishing 8,803 Santangelo and Meyer (2011) The authors studied why MNEs changed their strategy for a country after their initial entry. 1. For competence-creating (i.e., for accessing skills and control over strategic assets). 2. For non-competence- creating (i.e., for accessing market or cheap labors, and improvement of efficiency). Journal of International Business Studies 103 The market-seeking motive drives firms to enter foreign markets for seeking new geographic markets and pursuing the growth in sales or market shares (e.g., Beamish, 1987; Dong and Glaister, 2006; Dunning and Lundan, 2008; Erramilli and Rao, 1990; Gil, Nakos, Brouthers, and Brouthers, 2006; Randøy and Dibrell, 2002; Shi et al., 2001; Williams, 1992), or for exploiting their existing resources and advantages locally (e.g., Dong and Glaister, 2006; Hitt et al., 2000). The resource-seeking motive leads firms to foreign markets for acquiring natural resources (e.g., Dunning and Lundan, 2008; Kim and Hwang, 1992), low-cost labors and productions (e.g., Dong and Glaister, 2006; Dunning