臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.29 NO.1

Choose Foreign R&D Partners From Right Pools: A Synthesis Framework 100 Authors Key Research Question Entry Motives Journal Citied Frequency (times) Hitt et al. (2000) The authors studied the differences in determinants of partner selecting choices between emerging and developed market contexts. 1. To seek and access local market knowledge. 2. To leverage firms’ own resources by selecting alliance partners with complementary capabilities and unique competencies. The Academy of Management Journal 1,291 Shi, Ho, and Siu (2001) The authors examined how firm-specific (e.g., foreign experiences), strategic (e.g., entry motives), location- specific (e.g., host- government policies), and transaction-specific variables (e.g., asset specificity) would determine the entry mode choices. 1. Export-orientation (e.g., lower production costs). 2. Market-seeking (e.g., market potential and benefits of producing locally). Asian Pacific Business Review 58 Randøy and Dibrell (2002) The authors explored the reasons and means of the Norwegian MNEs to commit resources abroad from perspectives beyond entry mode choices. 1. Global integration-seeking (e.g., for new market opportunities). 2. Advantage-seeking (e.g., for skills and capabilities). Management International Review 85 Dong and Glaister (2006) The authors examined the strategic motive for international strategic alliance (ISA) formation and partner selection criteria from perspectives of Chinese firms. 1. For transferring technology. 2. For learning managerial skills. 3. For accessing to international markets. 4. For upgrading technologies. 5. For conforming to the host government policies. 6. For potential low cost sourcing. International Business Review 126