臺大管理論叢 NTU Management Review VOL.28 NO.3

The Influence of Information Disclosure Transparency and Transparency Rankings on Earnings Informativeness and Future Earnings 資訊揭露評鑑透明度對盈餘資訊性與未來績效之影響 Min-Jeng Shiue ‧ Chien-Hao Tseng ‧ Yan-Yi Chiou Yi-Cheng Ku ‧ Yen-Hsien Lee ‧ Chun-Yi Lin Use of Implicit User Feedback to Support Semantics- Based Personalized Document Recommendation 應用隱性回饋機制支援語意基礎之個人化文件推薦 Taiwan Business Groups Growth in Chinese Market: Managerial Limitations Perspective 台灣集團企業之中國大陸市場成長:管理限制觀點 Wen-Ting Lin ‧ Man-Chi Li Cheng-Yu Lee ‧ Hsueh-Liang Wu ‧ Chia-Jung Lee Does CEO Career Horizon Lead to Corporate Misconduct? Evidence of Taiwanese Semiconductor Firms 總經理管理任期對企業不當作為之影響:以台灣半導體企業為例 Tay-Cheng Ma Merger Regulations: A Trade-off between Efficiency and Equity 結合管制:效率與公平間之取捨 The Magic of Believing: The False Memory Effect of Product Placement in Dramas 信以為真的神奇作用:以錯誤記憶為戲劇節目置入手法的機制效果 Yi-Ju Chen ‧ Hsuan-Yi Chou Does CEO Reputation Matter to Financial Reporting Quality? CEO聲譽會影響財務報導品質嗎 Yaying Mary Chou Yeh ‧ Ping-Shin Lin ISSN 1018-1601 GPN 2007900048